The UK Situation

Haemodialysis in the comfort of your own home.

The Demand

As of the latest 2019 Renal Registry data, there are 68,111 existing patients in the UK with irreversible kidney failure. Almost 8000 new patients join this list every year.

Just 2% (1400) of patients in the UK with kidney failure have access to home haemodialysis care which demonstrates reduced patient choice.

young man checking his medical results

Better survival outcomes due to increased dialysis capable through home haemodialysis

A NIH study looking at 32,065 patients over a 3 year period showed a statistically significant increase in the cardiac death rate after the standard fixed 2 day break from hospital based dialysis over a weekend compared to alternate day dialysis (10.2 Vx 7.5 deaths/100 person years, p<0.001). [Foley RN, NEJM (2011):365]

A US RCT comparing frequent daily dialysis versus standard hospital based 3x/week dialysis found that the Hazard Ratio for Death was 0.7. [Chertow GM, NEJM (2010):363]

Slow & frequent nocturnal dialysis provides equal survival to a deceased donor transplant. [Pauly RP, NDT (2009)]

old man talking to family on video

Better cardiac outcomes through being able to tailor your own dialysis prescription at home

A Canadian RCT over 2 years compared frequent nocturnal dialysis 6 days a week against standard hospital based 3 days per week dialysis and showed a statistically significant 15.3g difference in LV mass over 6 months between the 2 groups. Better BP control was also seen in the frequent nocturnal group with the need for less antihypertensive medications and less phosphate binder use. [Cullerton BF, JAMA (2007):298]

A meta-analysis of studies comparing cardiac outcomes between patients dialysing frequently or for extended hours compared to those receiving standard in centre dialysis showed a significant improvement in LV mass of at least 7g/m 2 , an improvement in the Ejection Fraction of 6.7% and again the need for less antihypertensive medications in the group dialysing frequently or for extended hours. [Susantitaphong P, AJKD (2012): 59(5)]

nurse checking patient's blood pressure

Better quality of life outcomes with home dialysis

A Canadian RCT over 2 years comparing frequent nocturnal dialysis of 6 days a week against standard hospital based dialysis of 3 days per week showed significant improvements in KDQOL-SF parameters of perceived burden of kidney disease and effect of kidney disease. [Cullerton BF, JAMA (2007):298]

A Japanese study looking at the outcomes of the SF-36 health survey completed by patients dialysing at home and by patients dialysing in centre reported scores that demonstrated better physical functioning, more energy, less emotional problems, less body pain, less role limitations and better social functioning in those dialysing at home. [Watanabe Y, Hemodialysis Int (2014), 18 (S1)]

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